This last weekend has been deadly for motorcyclists in Ohio. Three people died from motorcycle accidents on Saturday, June 8. According to the Ohio State Police, one of those deaths occurred in Portage Township, Ohio, around 10:45 p.m. Police say that a Boardman, Ohio, man was riding a motorcycle along with a passenger when they collided with a pickup truck that pulled out in front of them.
The accident happened on State Route 53. According to police, the 53-year-old motorcyclist and his 49-year-old passenger were heading in a southerly direction when a pickup driven by Port Clinton, Ohio, woman tried to complete a left turn in the motorcycle’s path. Inside the pickup was a 35-year-old woman and her 37-year-old passenger. Both occupants of the pickup were thrown from the vehicle by the impact.
Another motorcycle following behind the first one then became involved in the collision. That motorcycle was being driven by a 42-year-old Toronto, Ohio, man and his passenger of the same age. All four of the motorcyclists were wearing helmets.
The driver of the first motorcycle was pronounced dead at the scene. The two occupants of the truck were airlifted to St. Vincent Hospital in Toledo, Ohio. The three surviving motorcyclists were admitted to Magruder Hospital in Port Clinton. Their condition is being described as non-life threatening.
Police have not yet charged anyone with a crime in connection with the crash, yet say the investigation is still ongoing. Alcohol is not suspected as having played a role in this crash.
People killed or injured in motorcycle accidents should know that they may be able to recover compensation for the loss of their loved ones or for their own medical costs and lost wages.
Source: WKBN 27, “Boardman man killed in motorcycle accident” No author given, Jun. 08, 2014