Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima
Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima


The defense attorneys at Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima
Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima

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Is a domestic violence charge a felony in Ohio?

There’s no easy answer to this question. Depending upon the circumstances (and the prosecutor’s inclinations), a domestic violence charge can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Any domestic violence charge can have dramatic consequences for the...

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A guide to domestic violence charges in Ohio

Domestic violence is a matter that courts take seriously in Ohio. The state defines the crime as when someone knowingly causes or tries to cause physical harm to a family or household member or causes them to believe they are in imminent harm. Ohio does not limit this...

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Understanding the domestic violence protection order process

A domestic violence civil protection order may be appropriate if a person believes they are the victim of domestic violence or fears imminent harm from a family member or person with whom they were in a dating relationship at the time. The party seeking protection is...

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