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Man charged with OVI after multi-car accident in Ohio

Situations in which a driver has been accused of operating a vehicle while impaired can potentially lead to parties wanting more information about their circumstances. Charges for OVI can vary depending on how the suspicion came about, and, therefore, it may be wise to assess the details of a case before making decisions. When an individual feels more comfortable with his or her understanding of the situation, he or she may want to determine what decisions may be best for creating a defense.

One man in Ohio may be hoping to make sound decisions after he was taken into custody. It was reported that the man was allegedly driving a pickup truck on the shoulder of a roadway when he was in an accident involving six other vehicles. The pickup truck reportedly sideswiped four vehicles, rear-ended a fifth and then struck a sixth after overturning.

The driver of the pickup truck allegedly got out of the vehicle and began running down the roadway while naked. Authorities stated that the man seemed agitated and resisted arrest. They also believed that he did not have any clothing on when the accident took place. As a result of this reported situation, the man was charged with vehicular assault, resisting arrest and OVI.

It was unclear whether any chemical tests were performed to determine the man’s alleged impairment. Nonetheless, the man will likely want to create a meaningful defense against the OVI charge and other allegations leveled against him. Information on Ohio criminal proceedings relating to his situation may help him feel more confident in handling his legal decisions.

Source: wcpo.com, “‘Naked man from I-71 crash charged with OVI, vehicular assault, resisting arrest”, Jordan Burgess, Marais Jacon-Duffy, Aug. 8, 2015