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Red Light Cameras: Ohio City Sees Reduction of Car Accidents

by | May 31, 2017 | Car Accidents

For injury victims and their families, car accidents are difficult to understand. It is especially difficult when the car accident is caused by a blatant violation of the law such as driving under the influence or speeding. Setting aside the common-sense driving standards that the law imposes due to recklessness or a personal lapse of judgment is simply unacceptable.

No traffic violation is more blatant than running a red light or stop sign, which can easily lead to an automotive collision or tragic accident with a bicyclist or pedestrian. For that reason, many communities across the country have implemented red-light enforcement technology to keep a constant eye out for violators and ticket those who think nobody is watching.

A recent investigation by the Middletown Journal assessed the benefits of that Ohio city’s red-light camera program. Middletown first implemented a Redflex traffic monitoring system in 2005 despite local controversy, but recent results strongly suggest that this means of traffic enforcement is having a positive effect on local driving behavior.

In the past two years, Middletown has seen significant reductions in the number of violations at the eight intersections outfitted with red light cameras. The effect may indeed be even broader, as the Middletown Division of Police reports that citations based on officer observations of intersection violations have also dropped.

The best example of progress in traffic safety is at an intersection that was the site of 22 car and truck accidents in 2008. Since installation of camera enforcement technology, accidents have decreased by 59 percent to only nine in 2011.

Enforcing Common Sense to Protect Drivers and Passengers From Serious Injuries

When a driver fails to see a stop sign or hits the accelerator when the light turns yellow, catastrophic and fatal motor vehicle accidents can occur in an instant. An Ohio car accident attorney can provide advice to injury victims and wrongful death survivors about their options for pursuing damages and holding reckless or negligent motorists accountable.