Kentucky does not require Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist insurance, but KY requires that insurance companies offer Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage to all policyholders, including Uber.
Does Uber Pay For UM/UIM Coverage For Uber Passengers While Using Uber In Kentucky?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. Uber does NOT carry UM/UIM coverage on vehicles. The Uber driver must pay for a separate insurance policy rider for their passengers to have UM/UIM coverage. Uber passengers may be able to use their own UM/UIM on their vehicles, if their policy allows.
Uber purchases liability coverage to protect their drivers if they cause a collision. But, if the Uber driver is not at fault, the Uber passenger’s claim is against the at fault driver’s insurance. If the at fault driver has no liability insurance, then the Uber passenger would not have UM/UIM coverage paid for by Uber.
Can Uber Passengers Use Their Own UM/UIM Coverage?
If the Uber passenger is lucky enough to be riding in an Uber where the Uber driver paid for a UM/UIM rider, then the Uber passenger will be able to make a claim for UM/UIM under the Uber driver’s personal automobile policy. If you are involved in an auto collision while riding in an Uber vehicle, make sure you have the Uber driver’s full name, license plate number and telephone number before leaving the scene.
What Are The Minimum Insurance Requirements For Uber Drivers In Kentucky?
Uber requires the Uber driver to maintain automobile liability insurance on all vehicles they operate while driving for Uber with insurance limits equal to or greater than the minimum requirements for the state where you drive. In Kentucky, the Uber driver must carry $50,000 per person and $100,000 per accident in liability coverage. This coverage only applies before the new trip is accepted, while on stand-by. Ky. Rev. Stat. § 304.39-110.
What Liability Coverage Does Uber Provide for Passengers in Kentucky?
According to Uber, a passenger is insured under Third-Party liability coverage which covers BODILY INJURIES or damages the driver causes to their riders, and people in other vehicles/pedestrians/property. The liability coverage limit in Kentucky is $1,000,000 per occurrence. The liability coverage does not start until the Uber driver accepts the trip, is on route to pick up rider, and on the trip. See the Uber declarations page.
In Kentucky, if you decide to hire Uber to give you a ride, in the event of a collision not caused by your Uber driver, you will not have UM/UIM coverage paid for by Uber to protect you and your family. Your driver may have UM/UIM if they purchase a special rider, or you may be able to use your own auto insurance. Bottom line, protect yourself and your family by having Uninsured Motorist (UM) and Underinsured Motorist (UIM) coverage on your auto insurance policy.