Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima
Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima


Ohio Repeat OVI/DUI Defense Attorneys

The Ohio criminal justice system is extremely aggressive in its enforcement of drunk driving laws. The law is particularly hard on those it perceives as being repeat offenders of driving under the influence (DUI) and operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs (OVI). Even if you have a previous DUI or OVI offense on your record, you still have rights. Be sure that you have an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side with the skill and knowledge to protect your rights.

At the law firm of Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima, we fight to protect the interests of those who are charged as DUI repeat offenders throughout the greater Cincinnati area and southwest Ohio. We have extensive experience in all types of drunk driving cases, and we commit ourselves to truly helping every client and pursing the most favorable possible outcome.

What Are The Penalties For 2nd, 3rd & 4th DUI Offenses?

Under Ohio law, a second DUI offense in a six-year period puts you in the repeat offender category. In addition to increased license suspension durations, fines and jail time, repeat offenders face the possibility of losing their vehicles. For a second offense in six years, you can lose access to your vehicle for 90 days. A third offense results in the loss of your vehicle for six months and a fourth offense results in vehicle forfeiture. If there are drugs found in your car, this can also result in vehicle forfeiture.

What Are The Defense Strategies For A Repeat OVI Offense?

When you hire our firm, we pursue every legal option available in an effort to preserve your rights. Our attorneys work to ensure that the police followed correct procedures as part of a strong drunk driving defense.

If your rights were violated at any point, we will:

  • File motions to suppress evidence that was collected illegally
  • Challenge whether the officer had probable cause to stop you
  • Challenge whether the chemical and sobriety tests were administered properly
  • Scrutinize any subjective results to testing or your condition
  • Call into question any potential illegally obtained evidence or aspects of the prosecution’s case

We understand how important being able to drive is for your work, school, family and daily life. Whenever possible, we will seek ways that allow you to keep your driving privileges.

Get The Help You Need When Facing Multiple OVI Charges

If this is your second or third Ohio DUI or OVI, it is important for you to understand what is at stake and what your options are. At Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima, you can speak to an attorney at any time, day or night, to get the sound advice you need regarding your legal issue. For immediate assistance, call 513-496-0134. We can also be reached via our website contact page.

Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima

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