A Message To Parents
Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima represents many college students and Miami University students that have been arrested or charged with underage drinking, theft, fake id, or disorderly conduct.
Unfortunately, some young people may just want to plead guilty or no contest to “get it over with.” This can be a very dangerous decision, as even a misdemeanor criminal record can be a permanent mark on your sons or daughters, and may complicate getting a job, getting into graduate school, or getting a professional license.
Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima makes every effort to help students avoid a permanent criminal record. Even if such a record cannot be avoided, we do everything we can to minimize damage, recognizing that your child’s future may be at stake.
Be very careful before entering a guilty plea or a no contest plea to what appears to be a “drinking ticket” or a minor matter, just “to be done with it.” Consult with a competent attorney so that you understand all of your options and the ramifications of the legal process.
Free Attorney Consultation
To talk to an experienced lawyer about your case, call us toll free at 513-496-0134 or e-mail us today. Our offices in Cincinnati, Lebanon and Oxford help clients across Ohio. Our Oxford office is across the street from the Butler County Area 1 County Court.