Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima
Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima


The defense attorneys at Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima

Sexual Battery Defense Attorneys In Ohio

If you have been accused of sexual battery, or any sex offense, you need to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney before speaking with police, family members, or friends about the accusations.

Under the Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.), sexual battery is defined under code section 2907.03. Sexual battery can be a second- or third-degree felony and can be charged under 13 different subsections. The most common charges for sexual battery are third-degree felonies and involve accusations of impairment or sexual conduct between a teacher and a student.

Drunk Sex and Sexual Battery Accusations

Subsection (2) of the Ohio sexual battery statute defines sexual battery as: “The offender knows that the other person’s ability to appraise the nature of or control the other person’s own conduct is substantially impaired.” Cases involving accusations under this subsection typically involve parties and drugs or alcohol. We frequently represent people who have been charged with sexual battery after moderate to heavy drinking followed by consensual sex. In the day or days after the sexual encounter, one of the participants claims to have been too intoxicated or impaired to have consented to the sex.

Teacher-Student Sexual Relationship

Subsection (7) of the Ohio sexual battery statute defines sexual battery as: “The offender is a teacher, administrator, coach, … and the other person is enrolled in or attends that school, and the offender is not enrolled in and does not attend that school.” The age of consent in Ohio is 16 years old. Despite the age of consent law, a person who holds a position of authority in a school is not permitted to engage in sexual conduct with a student, even if the student is above the age of consent. We have represented numerous teachers accused of sexual battery in Ohio.

Experience Matters in Sexual Battery Cases

The outcome of a criminal investigation, plea bargain, and trial will be significantly impacted by the lawyer you choose. If you have been accused, speak with an attorney who has successfully resolved sex crime cases at the investigation phase, plea bargaining phase, and trial phase. You should speak with a lawyer even if you have not been charged.

Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima: Passionate Criminal Defense Attorneys

We have handled numerous sex crime accusations during the investigation phase and prevented charges from being filed against our clients. We are accustomed to working with detectives, investigators, and polygraph examiners to help prevent indictment. Our offices in Cincinnati, Lebanon and Oxford, help client clients across Ohio.

In cases where charges have been filed, we have successfully negotiated plea bargains for people who did not want to risk the unknown consequences of a trial.

When the prosecutor fails to offer an acceptable plea, we are prepared to go to trial. We have the necessary experience and network of experts to succeed and a history of success in similar cases to prove it. To learn more about some of our results, please see our criminal defense case results.

Related Result

Married Man and Father of Three Charged with Six Counts of Sexual Battery (F3) Faced Lifetime Sexual Registration and 18 Years in Prison: Our client was a foster parent and was accused of having sex with one of the foster children placed in his family’s care. The accuser was a 16 year old girl who testified at trial. The prosecutor refused to offer a plea to any offense that was not a felony and did not carry mandatory sexual registration requirements. After a jury trial, our client was found NOT GUILTY on all counts.

Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima

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