Defense Attorneys For The Mason Municipal Court
The attorneys at Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima frequently represent people accused of crimes in Mason Municipal Court. It is not uncommon for Charles H. Rittgers, Charles M. Rittgers, and Nicholas Graman to each have numerous pending cases in Mason Municipal Court. Our attorneys successfully resolve several OVI, domestic violence, probation violation, and drug-related cases each year in Mason Municipal Court. Whether by plea bargain, bench trial, or jury trial, our attorneys have had success defending a varying degree of felony and misdemeanor cases. Regardless of the type or level of offense, we have results that prove our success.
Mason Municipal Court OVI
Ohio refers to DUI (driving under the influence) as OVI: operating a vehicle under the influence. There is no “DUI” charge in Ohio. An OVI carries serious mandatory minimum sentencing requirements and a number of collateral consequences. Depending on the facts, the defendant’s prior record, and the defense attorney, an OVI case can be resolved by way of plea to Reckless Operation or Physical Control. Both Reckless Operation and Physical Control prevent an OVI conviction. If a plea bargain is not reached, the case can be resolved by a motion to suppress evidence or by trial.
Mason Municipal Court Domestic Violence
Most people are not aware that a call to the police for a domestic dispute will almost always result in one person being charged with Domestic Violence and taken to jail. It is also important to know that a person can be charged and convicted of Domestic Violence even when no physical touching occurs. Domestic Violence can be charged as a fourth-degree misdemeanor or a first-degree misdemeanor. The fourth-degree misdemeanor statute reads: ” No person, by threat of force, shall knowingly cause a family or household member to believe that the offender will cause imminent physical harm to the family or household member.” Regardless of whether Domestic Violence is charged as a first- or fourth-degree misdemeanor, a conviction can have devastating consequences for current and future employment, gun owners, divorce and custody issues, and a person’s reputation.
Mason Municipal Court
If a person is cited to Mason Municipal Court and is arrested and jailed over the weekend, his or her arraignment is typically held at 9:00 a.m. At arraignment, an attorney will enter an appearance for the defendant, enter a not guilty plea, and argue for a low bond. Depending on the defendant and the case, an O.R. bond is likely. O.R. bond means the defendant agrees to return to court for the next hearing without having to post money.
If a person is charged with a crime and released, the arraignment will likely be held on a Tuesday or Thursday morning. Most of the time, the Magistrate hears the morning docket on Tuesday and Thursday. Typically, Judge Batsche hears jury trials and the afternoon docket. Jury trials are usually held the third Friday of each month.
Mason Municipal Court Driving Directions
If you are traveling from Cincinnati, take I-71 to Exit 19 (Mason Montgomery Road). Take a left off of the exit to head north on Mason Montgomery Road. You will cross over Socialville-Foster Road, Western Row Road, then Tylersville Road. Just after Tylersville you will pass Mason High School on the left. Immediately after Mason High School, you will see the Mason Municipal Court complex on your right.
If you are traveling from Butler County, take the Tylersville Road exit off of I-75 to Mason Montgomery Road. Turn left onto Mason Montgomery Road. Immediately after Mason High School, you will see the Mason Municipal Court complex on your right.
If you are traveling from Lebanon, Ohio, or northern Warren County, Ohio, take US 42 South toward Cincinnati. At US 42 and Mason Montgomery Road, turn left (Banana Leaf Restaurant will be on the corner on your left). The Mason Municipal Court complex will be a few hundred yards ahead on the left.
Contact Information
To access criminal case information for Mason Municipal Court, go to the above website and click on the “Criminal Docket” link at the top of the page. You will be taken to a page which will display a blue hyperlink titled “Disclaimer.” Click on the “Disclaimer” link. On the left side of the page, go to “TR/CR Lookup” where you will be able to search by Name, Case Number, or Ticket Number.
Assignment Commissioner and Court Clerk
5950 Mason Montgomery Road
Mason, Ohio 45040
5950 Mason Montgomery Road
Mason, Ohio 45040