Ohio Probation Violations And Revocation Hearings
The continuing threat of incarceration provides a powerful incentive for people on probation not only to remain law-abiding but also to comply with the conditions and requirements of their probationary sentence. In the event of a violation of any term of probation, the probation officer has the discretion to file a complaint with the court. The judge then decides whether to revoke the grant of probation and reinstate a suspended jail or prison term.
Common Types of Probation Violations
If you are facing the possibility of revocation on the basis of a violation of any condition of your probation, or for having been arrested on new charges, contact an experienced defense lawyer at Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima with offices in Cincinnati and southwest Ohio. Our experience with the resolution of probation violations can help you avoid the prospect of incarceration in situations such as the following:
- Failure to maintain contact with your probation officer
- Violation of such requirements as completing alcohol or drug dependency treatment, anger management counseling, parenting classes, or remedial driving courses
- Failing an alcohol or drug test
- Failing to show up for an alcohol or drug test
- Associating with known criminals
- Violating the terms of a domestic violence protective order
- Failing to register as a sex offender
- Failing to report a change of address or employment status
- Conviction for a new offense
Our attorneys at Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima understand how to work with probation officers to resolve problems, ideally before they even get into court for a revocation hearing.
Arrested While On Probation
For persons on probation who are arrested on new criminal charges, the situation is even more serious. Not only can probation on the original sentence be revoked, but any sentence on conviction of the new offense might well be added to run after completion of the original sentence. Mr. Allen’s experience is with the defense of serious criminal charges can give you a solid chance at the best possible resolution of your case as the facts and the law will allow.
Contact A Criminal Attorney
To learn more about his ability to protect your interests in a case involving technical probation violations or an arrest on new charges while on probation, contact a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney at the office of Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima in Cincinnati.
For assistance contact us at 513-496-0134. You may also contact us by e-mail.