Unfortunately, the short answer to that question is yes. This may seem far fetched and hard to believe, but with certain cases in our justice system law enforcement and prosecutors charge people with crimes based upon an accusation alone. This scenario is seen most...

Sex Offenses
How do I defend myself from a false sexual assault allegation?
This is a very common and simple question that we are asked. However, the answer is anything but simple. In fact, the first response from a lawyer that is experienced with sexual assault cases should be more questions. Who is making the allegation? Is there a formal...
Is It Possible To Terminate Sex Offender Registration Early?
Under Ohio law, sexually-oriented offenders are subject to three different levels of sex offender registration. The level of registration depends on the nature of the conviction. That said, the three levels are: Tier One (registration once per year for 15 years),...
Another doctor has been charged with sexually molesting patients
Yet another doctor has been charged with sexually molesting patients. Dr. Ronald Gronbeck of Yellow Springs, Ohio follows in the footsteps of notorious cases at Michigan State, Ohio State, University of Southern California and UCLA. Another situation of a person in...
In Ohio, survivors of child sexual abuse (abuse which occurs before they turn 18) have until the age of 30 to pursue a civil cause of action against their perpetrator or any organization which failed to prevent the abuse. CHILD USA, the leading national nonprofit...
Rittgers Rittgers & Nakajima Criminal Team Secures a Jury Trial Victory
Last week, in the Dayton Municipal Court, Montgomery County, Ohio, J.R. Bernans secured a not guilty verdict for his client in his first solo jury trial. Mr. Bernans’ client was charged with public indecency, a sex offense, and a misdemeanor of the fourth degree under...
Under What Circumstances Does Mixing Drugs or Alcohol With Sexual Conduct Become A Crime Under Ohio’s Rape Statute?
Ohio's rape statute, 2907.02(A)(1)(c) says:No person shall engage in sexual conduct with another who is not the spouse of the offender or who is the spouse of the offender but is living separate and apart from the offender, when any of the following applies:The other...
Sex Education: A FAQ blog series about sex crimes in Ohio
Sex Education, Part One:Let's Talk About "Sex" Most Americans grow up with sex education being a separate unit in their Health class in 4th or 5th grade. Awkward pictures and videos are used to explain the biological and anatomical processes behind sexual...
Butler County Judge Admits Bias In Sex Offense Cases
Butler County Judge Charles Pater has refused to preside over future cases involving sex crimes. His recusal is due to a written admission issued two months ago stating he may have been biased in sentencing a defendant based upon Judge Pater's own personal experience...
U.S. Supreme Court Declares Law Banning Sex Offenders From Using Social Media Sites Unconstitutional
On June 19, 2017, the United States Supreme Court held that a North Carolina law that made it a felony for a convicted sex offender to access social networking websites that could be used by children as unconstitutional. According to statistics cited to the Supreme...