There’s no easy answer to this question. Depending upon the circumstances (and the prosecutor’s inclinations), a domestic violence charge can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Any domestic violence charge can have dramatic consequences for the...

Domestic Violence
A guide to domestic violence charges in Ohio
Domestic violence is a matter that courts take seriously in Ohio. The state defines the crime as when someone knowingly causes or tries to cause physical harm to a family or household member or causes them to believe they are in imminent harm. Ohio does not limit this...
Understanding the domestic violence protection order process
A domestic violence civil protection order may be appropriate if a person believes they are the victim of domestic violence or fears imminent harm from a family member or person with whom they were in a dating relationship at the time. The party seeking protection is...
Domestic Violence Charges and Marsy’s Law
In November 2017, the victim's rights amendment, commonly known as "Marsy's Law," was passed and added to the Ohio Constitution. As part of Marsy's Law, the definition of "victim" was expanded. A "victim" is now defined as "the person against whom the criminal act is...
Understanding A Domestic Violence Charge
Ohio Revised Code §2919.25 contains Ohio's domestic violence statute. There are three ways to violate this statute: knowingly causing or attempting to cause physical harm to a family or household member; recklessly causing serious physical harm to a family or...
Can You Be Charged With A Crime For Spanking Your Child In Ohio?
The short answer is yes, however, Ohio law does not specifically prohibit a parent from using physical punishment such as spanking. Corporal punishment is not always a crime in Ohio. Corporal punishment includes all physical punishment including spanking. The problem...
“But the victim wants to drop the charges…”
It is very common for clients, or the family of a client, to believe that a criminal charge-usually assault, domestic violence, violation of a protection order, or the like-will be dismissed because "the victim wants to drop the charges." They believe that because the...
When You are Ready to Leave, Leave Safely
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. If you are in an abusive relationship - be it physically, emotionally, mentally or even financially abusive, and have thought about getting out of that relationship, make sure you take steps to prepare before you...
Domestic Violence And The Brady Disqualifier
Domestic Violence And The Brady Disqualifier Domestic violence is a serious crime. When family or household members-usually two spouses-get into a heated argument, one of them may think calling the police is a good idea. He or she may think if police officers arrive...