Title IX, a federal civil rights law, is designed to prevent sex-based discrimination in education – but it’s also used to address issues between students that involve sexual harassment and sexual assault on college campuses. Being accused of a Title IX violation can...
College Student Defense
Title IX Do’s and Don’ts
As a student, a university disciplinary hearing may not seem like something that would require an attorney. So many students receive a “Notice of Allegations” or “Notice of Disciplinary Hearing” and simply think that it is another thing they must attend before going...
What does Ohio’s new anti-hazing law mean?
Governor Mike DeWine signed “Collin’s Law: The Ohio Anti-Hazing Act” into law on July 6, 2021. The law substantially alters R.C. § 2903.31, Ohio’s criminal statute against hazing. The new law is not just aimed at regulating student behavior; administrators, faculty,...
Fakes IDs And Underage Drinking
With the COVID-19 pandemic and Ohio’s public health restrictions coming to a close, more and more restaurants, bars, and businesses are able to open up again. This will mean that more people will feel comfortable gathering socially and consuming alcohol. With summer...
Staying Healthy Together: Making sense of Miami University’s Pledge, the City of Oxford’s mass gathering ordinance, and COVID regulations
Are gathering of more than 10 people allowed in at Miami University? Maybe. Since the University released its Healthy Together Pledge (see my previous blog post here) in the summer of 2020, the City of Oxford has passed its own ordinance governing gatherings. On...
What is Miami University’s “Healthy Together Pledge” and what happens if I sign it?
Miami University is requiring all students that intend to return to campus in-person for the fall 2020 semester to sign its "Healthy Together Pledge" ("The Pledge"). A link to the Pledge can be found here. Can I refuse to sign The Pledge? Not if you want to attend...
College Sexual Assault Accusations: Title IX Pivot Point
Consent Title IX sexual misconduct investigations and hearings typically focus on whether consent was provided for any sexual contact or sexual activity that occurred. However, most Title IX investigations on college campuses are not investigating force-based sexual...
Title IX Is Not A Finished Product
"Misconceptions, myths, and outright lies," claims the Boston Globe regarding the rationales that underlie the proposed Title IX amendments. The question is whether the regulations, which govern university "sexual assault" hearings, need amendment, or whether they are...
Hold my beer…Miami University makes substantial changes to alcohol policy – Part One
105A Intoxication and Prohibited Use of Liquor As part of its updated 2018-2019 Code of Student Conduct ("Code"), Miami University made significant changes to its alcohol policy. The most noteworthy change is the Code's new distinction between "fermented alcoholic...
Urban Meyer & Title IX Part 2: The Finding
The Urban Meyer saga seems to have reached its end with the coach returning to the team this week. It's time to look back on our initial analysis of the situation and compare it to that of The Ohio State Investigative Board's published findings. First, and most...