College campuses are increasingly handling more and more Title IX investigations, complaints, and hearings. Over the years campus authorities have gotten better at organizing investigations and hearings. But the rules keep changing. The Department of Education’s...
Neal D. Schuett
Can I Leave Leave The Scene Of A Car Accident Before The Police Arrive Or Will I Be Charged With A Crime?
It depends on the facts of your case.What crime can I be charged with if I leave the scene of a car accident?Generally, you can be charged with "leaving the scene of an accident," or sometimes called a "hit skip," under Ohio Revised Code section 4549.02 if: In the...
Can Prosecutors Use Recorded Phone Calls From The Jail In Trial?
Absolutely, they can.But, do the police or prosecutor's actually listen to the jail calls?Yes, they do. It is common for recorded audio from jail calls to be turned over to defense attorneys as evidence that the State intends to use at trial against a criminal...
License Intervention Programs
Many Ohio drivers find themselves charged with "driving under suspension" after a routine traffic stop. Many of those same drivers had no knowledge that their license was even suspended until they were informed of the suspension by a police officer.There are many...
The (Un)Reliability of Witness Testimony
"But I have an eyewitness!" Criminal lawyers so often turn to this phrase thinking that it is the silver bullet in a negotiation or trial. A recent New York Times piece, however, cites the growing body of evidence that ""eyewitness testimony is the least reliable...
Double Jeopardy
When most Americans hear the phrase "double jeopardy" it usually brings to mind one of two scenarios: 1) a chance for a contestant to score big on the TV gameshow "Jeopardy!", or 2) the idea that you cannot be tried twice for the same crime. While recently the former...
Hold my beer…Miami University makes substantial changes to alcohol policy – Part One
105A Intoxication and Prohibited Use of Liquor As part of its updated 2018-2019 Code of Student Conduct ("Code"), Miami University made significant changes to its alcohol policy. The most noteworthy change is the Code's new distinction between "fermented alcoholic...
Change in “Consent” Policy
As August turns into September students from across the nation will return to Miami University to begin a new academic year. One of the changes awaiting students when they return to campus are some changes in the Student Code of Conduct.The Office of Community...
Urban Meyer & Title IX Part 1: The Duty to Report
The college football world was rocked yesterday with the report that Ohio State Football Coach Urban Meyer has been put on paid leave pending an investigation into alleged domestic violence by one of his (now former) assistant coaches. Mr. Meyer is not alleged to have...
But it’s my prescribed medication…
Miami University Code of Student Conduct ("the Code") prohibits the "use, offer for sale, sale, distribution, possession, or manufacture of any controlled substance or drug except as expressly permitted by law is prohibited. The use, offer for sale, sale,...